SSE-Fallout-4-Animation-Converter Check the changelog.MD for more info This Tool can convert given Animation(s) to PS4 format} NOTES: Some Animation's will fail, i have no control of how Animation's are made so i can't say this will work 100% of the time.

Retained all original modifications and added some new one. The output files are uncompressed animations, which are larger than the usual animation files. Reload animations are "fitted" under Fallout 4. So what are you waiting for? Grab this book and prepare to Level Up! F allout 4 is one of those games that have a plethora of mods and can lead in a state of disarray and confusion, for that reason we created an extensive list with stuff like gameplay changes, immersion, graphics, weapons, armor and more. Brave the new Fallout 4 world as you leave Vault 111 and begin to journey across the wasteland. The Character Build Fallout 4 Guide is the unofficial game guide for Bethesda Game's latest release in the Fallout series. Any fixes? the aim being to make the bottles look more natural, and similar to their concept art. This mod is an engine level fix of an infamous Fallout 4 bug, where weapons can't be reloaded based upon the number of shots fired. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the FalloutMods community.

A lot of 'em are still kinda janky (e.g hands not actually grabbing the charging handle, invisible mag changes on the bull-pups), but it's still a damn sight better than the vanilla stuff was. Replaces 1st and 3rd person animations for 10mm pistol. In most cases, the mod will improve the animation quality at least by quite a bit.